IPB Internasional signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Hard Rock Hotel Bali last Friday, March 3rd 2023.

IPB Internasional signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Hard Rock Hotel Bali last Friday, March 3rd 2023.

The signing was done by the Rector of IPB Internasional, Dr. I Made Sudjana, S.E.,MM.,CHT.,CHA and Ni Luh Rupini, S.E., as Assistant Training & Development Manager for Hard Rock Hotel Bali. The signing was also attended by Vice Chancellor IV of IPB International, Head of Cooperation Bureau, Promotion and Alumni Public Relations, Head of PKN and Student Affairs Bureau, along with the Heads of Sections and the team from Hard Rock Hotel Bali.

At the end, the Hardrock team gave a presentation about CSR activities. Students attended this event in the hall of IPB Internasional. The dissemination of CSR activities by Hard Rock Hotel Bali aimed to provide information about social activities carried out by the Hard Rock Hotel Bali team.

Thank you Hard Rock Hotel Bali for the socialization about CSR activities that you have done. Hopefully the signing of the MoU regarding student training activities will be a good start in your role as an industrial partner. This will enable you to develop the potential of IPB Internasional students.

Institut Pariwisata dan Bisnis Internasional - Sekolah Perhotelan Bali
“Quality is Our Prime Concern”
(0361) 426699/426700
Jalan Kecak No.12, Gatot Subroto Timur, Denpasar-Bali

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