IPB Internasional Teams Trains Buleleng Regency Village Operators in The Launching of AKUOnline-NG

In response to the rapidly evolving technological landscape, IPB Internasional’s Kedaireka Team seized the opportunity to simplify administrative tasks with the introduction of the AKUOnline-NG application.

Mr. I Made Darsana, Bagus Putu Wahyu Nirmala, and Bagus Made Sabda Nirmala, recipients of the 2023 Kedaireka Matching Fund program grant, initiated introduction and technical guidance programs for operators.
This training was attended by representatives from all 18 villages and 9 sub-districts in Buleleng Regency, with the Rector of IPB Internasional, the Head of Buleleng Regency Service, and the head of IPB Internasional Matching Fund present.

The training aims to familiarize operator representatives with the AKUOnline-NG application, facilitating smoother processing of administrative tasks such as Family Cards, Marriage Certificates, Birth Certificates, Divorce Certificates, Death Certificates, and more.